
Organic Beauties Blooming

  • Placeholder

    Kiwi Aeonium Haworthii


  • Placeholder

    Echeveria Devotion


  • Placeholder

    Sedum Clavatum


  • Fresh Quail Eggs

    $10/dozen non-fertile

    $15/dozen fertile

  • Coturnix Quail Chick


Welcome garden & quail enthusiasts

Come explore our home nursery and quail enclosure, filled with wonders and possibilities that will make your homestead dreams bloom.

  • Picture this: fresh veggies, vibrant flowers, quirky succulents, and even the delightful presence of our couturnix quail - all flourishing right in your urbane space! Who says homesteading is just for the countryside?

    Schedule a guided tour to learn more!

  • Ever wondered how these adorable chicks grow or wanted to witness the miracle of hatching? Dive into the mysterious world of the humble eggs!

  • Are you ready to spruce up your garden or add some greenery to your home? At Birdsley Greenhouse & Gardens LLC, we've got a wide selection of plants for you to choose from. Whether you're looking for vibrant flowers, fresh veggies, or quirky succulents, we've got you covered!

    Schedule your visit.

Welcome to our little garden oasis

Come journey with us through our whimsical paths of greenery and joy. Our roots run deep in the soil of Montana, where we lovingly nurture our vegetables, peppers, flowers, succulents, and more for your garden. Among our treasured companions are the lively couturnix quail, providing eggs and meat straight from our farm to your table.

Get ready for some social media fun times!

Greetings Gardening Enthusiasts!

Come chat with us about all things leafy and delightful! Expect a garden-fresh response from our team. And don't forget to choose a quirky pot for your submissions - we're all about unique style!